Spikersuppa Sound Gallery is a yarning for a more poetic society. A society where art is all around us, present every second of the day. From dusk till dawn and dawn to dusk.
Therefore, there will be sound art throughout the night in January and February 2020.
From 9.30pm to 10am we proudly presents Jez Riley French, Ayat Gali Tuleubek, Admir Korjenic and Amund Sjølie Sveen.
Just take a stroll downtown in the evening, night or morning.
When you going home from the pub, club, party, dinner or breakfast swing by. Or if you are having sleeples nights, you know where to wander the streets.
21.30 Jez riley French & Pheobe riley Law – voice, tape, reeds, snare
22.00 Jez riley French – island | fjórar | crystal detector
22.30 Jez riley French – salts sopra
24.00 Amund Sjølie Sven – Paradise now
01.00 Admir Korjenic – Singing Bowls
02.00 Jez riley French – island | fjórar | crystal detector
03.00 Jez Riley French – Teleferica (Oslo)
07.00 Jez Riley French – salts | sopra
Sunrise Ayatgali Tuleubek – Crested Lark
09.30 Admir Korjenic – Singing Bowls
10.30 Jez Riley French & Pheobe riley Law – voice, tape, reeds, snare
21.30 Admir Korjenic – Singing Bowls
22.30 Jez Riley French – Teleferica (Oslo)
23.00 Jez riley French & Pheobe riley Law – voice, tape, reeds, snare
24.00 Amund Sjølie Sven – Paradise now
00.30 Jez Riley French – salts | sopra
02.00 Admir Korjenic – Singing Bowls
03.00 Jez riley French & Pheobe riley Law – voice, tape, reeds, snare
03.30 Jez riley French – island | fjórar | crystal detector
05.30 Jez Riley French – salts | sopra
Sunrise Ayatgali Tuleubek – Crested Lark
08.30 Jez riley French & Pheobe riley Law – voice, tape, reeds, snare
09.00 Jez riley French – island | fjórar | crystal detector